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Cindy Bai

We are blessed with a dedicated corps of photographers who are absolutely tireless in taking photographs at all our events.  You will therefore find that our website is studded with gorgeous photos.  They are the next best thing to being there.  From sumptuous foods to elegant decorations to engaging conversations, our events strive to convey a sense of community and good will towards all.

Do visit our Photo Galleries to see their great work, and then come to our next event!

Our sincere thank you to all our photographers:


Carrie Davis, The Marsh
Scott Simpson
Walter Graff
Jejun He
John Ho
Angela Brain
Will Ahern
Linda Mealy-Lohman
Cindy Bai
Luke Lam
Robert Bergad
Paul Hsu
Patrick McKinney
Cindy Le
Steve Fong
Mandy Fang
Paul Chen

Volunteer of the Year
The Chinese Heritage Foundation is entirely volunteer driven and run. As such we greatly treasure our volunteers and provide opportunities to recognize those among us who have been exceptional in their dedication and service as Volunteer of the Year. These awards are given out on a periodic basis when such volunteers distinguish themselves. Nominations are also welcome from our community at large...
Young Volunteers Program
To encourage interest in Chinese culture and heritage, and to foster a spirit of volunteerism, CHF has created a program for young volunteers, from junior high school through college, to volunteer at CHF events and those of other Chinese organizations...
Volunteer Photographers
We are blessed with a dedicated corps of photographers who are absolutely tireless in taking photographs at all our events. You will therefore find that our website is studded with gorgeous photos. They are the next best thing to being there...