1. MN Historical Society

A grant went to MN Historical Society for its History Day Travel Program. It underwrote a junior high school student, Sarah Becker, to attend the Kenneth E. Behring National Contest at University Maryland. Her winning research topic was on the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and focused on the debates around Chinese Exclusion in Congress, in the courtroom, within the streets of San Francisco, and at Angel Island, the California immigrant-processing center.


2. Concert by Cellist Evan Druckman and Pianist Mary Au at Yinghua Academy

Supported by a grant from CHF, Eminent cellist Evan Druckman and pianist Mary Au visited second graders at Yinghua Academy and presented a wonderful concert that included movements from the cello sonata by Rachmaninoff. They also answered questions from the students, in both English and Chinese.

See photo Gallery