CHF Friends is deeply grateful to all our donors for their trust and ardent support of this exciting project.  There will be two donor appreciation events coming up this fall.  For donors of $1,000 or more there will be a private dinner reception with composer Bright Sheng and librettist David Henry Hwang on the evening of Saturday, November 7.  Then for all donors giving $100 or more there will be a luncheon reception on the following Sunday, November 8 where Bright and David will present a preview of the Dream Opera.

$50,000 and above
Ruth Stricker and Bruce Dayton (deceased)
Benjamin Y. H. and Helen C. Liu
Ming Li Tchou, Dr. M. F. Tchou Memorial Fund of the Chinese Heritage Foundation

$10,000 to $49,999
Corey Lam Bergad
Lotus Fund of the Chinese Heritage Foundation

$5,000 to $9,999
Richard and Gail Chang Bohr
Pat S.B. Hui and Paul K.Y. Kwok
Margaret Wong and Walter Graff
Ida Lano
Microsoft Matching Gifts Progam
Mary and Walter Warpeha Jr.


$1,000 to $4,999
Angela Brain and Aaron Lam Bergad
Robert and Pearl Lam Bergad
Paul Winter and Dr. Lian Chang
Chinese Heritage Foundation Grants Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation
Kathy and Simon Cheng
Jack and Linda Hoeschler
Joyce Hsiao
Gregory J. and Linda L. Hugh
John and Ruth Huss
David Dewey and Addy Lam
Paul and Patricia Loo Lam
Luke K. T. Lam
Kenneth Lau
Gary and Michelle Lee
Wen Li
Sping Lin
Vincent and Lena Mar
Larry and LaVerne Nakashima
Shauna and CorHenk Roolvink
Mei Ling Sander
Scott and Yin Simpson
Queen Swenson
Wendy Tai and John Ullmann
Kaimay and Joseph Terry M.D.
Sonja and James Tilbury
Margaret Simpson and Steve Tsai
U.S. China People’s Friendship Association, MN Chapter
Ann Waltner
RueyYun Chen and Chiu-Ping Wong 

$500 to $999
Joseph and Lauren Allen
James Jaranson, M.D.
Sing and S. K. Lo
Caliann Lum

Up to $499
Will and Elizabeth Ahern
Christy and John Anderson
Sue and Larry Bagge
George Maverick and Cindy Bai
Ralph and Eileen Beha
Frank Broderick
Chiu-Ying Constance Chien
Julie Cohen
Winnie and Scott Crosbie
Simon and Livia Fan
Frank and Patricia Farnham
Amy and David Jr. Fong
David and Helen Fong
Sherri Gebert Fuller
Paul and Queenie Gam
Priscilla Goldstein
Daisy Haung
Jijun He
Mary Hicks
Judy and Michael Hohmann
Jennie Hsiao
Sam and Sally Hsu
Dora Huang
Gail Hughes
Carole Hyder
Scott Taylor and Anne Hunter
Jeremy Iggers
Robert and Patricia Jacobsen
Robert and Patricia Jacobsen, in honor of Paul Kwok
Lynne Johnston
Eric and Mary Jolly
Marnie and Curt Jorenby
Martha and Art Kaemmer
Lai Hing Se and David Lau
C.Y. Lee
Charles & Dora Lee
Wen and Lo Shan Lee
Sherry Tsao and Tony Leung 
Yun Zhao and Lei Li
Hong Lin
Linda Mealey-Lohmann
Jingjing Ma
Sheila Chin Morris
Virginia and Dr. Sam Ng
John Nuechterlein
I-Fei (deceased) and Jack Ouyang
In honor of Priscilla Pierce
Priscilla Pierce
Priscilla Pierce, in honor of Paul Kwok
Jill Griffiths and Larry Pogemiller
Stephanie Pomonis
XuXu Pomonis
Richard Raiche
Katie Raidt
Karl Reichert
Judi Rubin
Mary Saboe
Patricia Sanders
Kevin Korten and Patrick Scully
Gale Sharpe
Scott & Yin Simpson
Rosemary Slowiak
Biing-Huei Su
Jenny Sun
Diane Tanabe
Stephen adn Serena Tsui
J. C. Wang
Elizabeth Wilcox
Cynthia Wong
Lihua He and Bingwen Yan
Maybelle Yee
Iness and Shih Pau Yen
Larry and Becky Yuen
Boling Zhen and John Zhiqun Zhang
Ling Wang and Zhen Zou