Dakota County Display of Chinese Culture

generalaimg 25 20131107 1996156788In the spring the Dakota County Public Art Citizen Advisory Committee presented the fourth installment of its Three Cultures series of exhibits on China. The exhibit was viewed through three different lenses. The first was through the County sister relationship with Chengde in China. The second was a reflection of key elements of traditional Chinese culture. The third was the perspective of Chinese Americans who had moved into Dakota County. CHFF provided many artifacts to showcase Chinese culture in its second objective, and collected and provided biographical information on prominent Chinese Americans in Dakota County.

2011 Open House
On a brilliant Sunday afternoon close to 100 people came to the Chinese Heritage Foundation’s 7thannual open house at Gramercy Park to celebrate another eventful year in the Foundation’s young history...
2011 Leisurely Evenings
On March 18 the Chinese Heritage Foundation Friends launched its occasional series of activities at Gramercy Park. Titled A Leisurely Evening at a Chinese Home, this series attempts to reproduce an evening in a traditional multigenerational Chinese household in a simpler time...
2011 Chinese New Year Celebrations
Normandale French Immersion School — Volunteers of the Calligraphy Team of CHF Friends weregeneralaimg 19 20131107 1560753634 busy this year, answering calls for their expertise from around the metropolitan area...
2011 Calligraphy Committee
The Calligraphy Team has been highly popular and active this year. It celebrated Chinese New Year with visits to Normandale French Immerion Scool, Midtown Global Market and the Marsh...
2011 Dakota County Display
In the spring the Dakota County Public Art Citizen Advisory Committee presented the fourth installment of its Three Cultures series of exhibits on China...
2011 Grandfather’s Day
In celebrating grandfather’s day in September Yinghua Academy invited our calligraphers Stephen Tsui and Stephen Mao to visit their classrooms...